Who We Are

Our purpose is to give parents/grandparents all the resources needed to home school their children and make the most of the “home school” experience. Our goal is also to provide a safe and productive learning environment for kids when parents need to work and can’t stay home during the home school process.


According to the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), students educated at home typically score 15 to 30 percentile points higher than public school students on standardized tests for academic achievement. Ray BD. Homeschooling: The Research. National Home Education Research Institute. 2020


On the ACT, a test used nationwide for college admissions, composite scores for homeschooled students fluctuated between 22.3 in 2007 and 22.8 in 2014. (The highest possible score is 36.) Though not as high as scores from private school students, these rankings were 1.4 to 2.2 points above the average public school student. ACT, Inc. Trends in ACT composite scores among homeschooled students. 2015

what about sports?

There are several athletic leagues and opportunities for home-schools kids. As more and more families leave public schools, we see an equal growth of leagues around the nation that provide needs for each child. We want to help families find and plug into the groups that meets their needs.  

What about Music?

Unlike public schools, home schools are able to help focus and nurture musical talents. There are several resources in the area that focus on music, whether it be instruments or vocal talents.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
8 am – 2 pm
3000 Flower Acres Rd
Texarkana, Texas 75501